My tail gate won't anymore open! How to open it?
How to open the trunk door when microswitch doesn't anymore work please refer to this video:
1st. way: Pick-locking trunk door open from inside without taking off plastic cover
- Get a small flat screwdriver
- Put it between the lock hook and the lock (like in video)
- Push the screwdriver gently until you hear clack from the lock
- Push the trunk door a bit until it jams into second stage
- Put the screwdriver into the lock from inside the hook loop
- Push the screwdriver gently and also gently push the trunk door until it seems to open
- Pull the screwdriver out slowly while also pushing the trunk door
- Voilá!
2nd. way: Pick-locking trunk door open from inside when plastic cover has been removed
- Get a small sturdy screwdriver that doesn't bent or something similar
- Push the black arm towards the white arm
- Voilá the lock opens
3rd way: Jump wiring lock open
- Get a paper clip
- Remove the microswitch plug from the microswitch
- Insert paper clip into the plug's holes
- Push the trunk door open
- Remove paper clip from the plug
How to remove the trunk plastic cover?
- There are two T25 torx-screws behind two small caps. The caps are easily removed with a flat screwdriver
- Unscrew torx-screws
- Pull the cover from top until it you hear 4 clips popping
- Push the cover upwards
- Watch out angry spiders!
How to change the microswitch?
So to remove the microswitch you need following tools:
- 10mm wrench (rear wiper motor, inside bolts)
- 13mm wrench (rear wiper arm bolt)
- 21-23mm wrench (not sure on size, rear wiper motor outside nut)
- T25 Torx screwdriver (tail gate plastic cover)
- T20 Torx screwdriver (microswitch)
- Small paper clip or small jump wire (for testing if the microswitch is faulty)
- Small wire cutter or knife (microswitch)
- wooden mallet, wrench, or similar tool for gently hammering (microswitch)
How to get to the microswitch:
- Open the tail gate and remove the plastic cover, refer the guide given above
- Remove the microswitch cable (small one behind the rear wiper motor)
- Test with a paper clip is the microswitch faulty, if you heard lock opening == faulty microswitch
- Order new microswitch from Mercedes (code: A), new one costs just 21€, you cannot repair the old one
- Plug the new microswich into the cable and test does it work
- Remove the rear wiper motor
- Unscrew the microswitch (T20)
- Cut two small plastic hooks with wire cutters. The microswich doesn't work anymore so you don't need those anymore.
- Gently tap the microswitch a few times at plug area until it starts moving. There is a tiny amount glue / sand etc jamming it in place
- remove the old microswitch
- Push the new one inside, the hooks guide themselves easily into correct position
- Fasten the screws
- Connect the cable
- Test
- Put the rear wiper motor back
- Put the cover back
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